Unforgettable lncident in my life

 Dear Readers , I like to share an unforgettable incident of my life with you.

One rainy day, a black pregnant cat came to our house to stay out of the rain.  Then I was in A/L class. That cat is about to give birth. It must be a stray cat. It was not tame. I made a comfortable cardboard box for her. The next morning she gave birth to two kittens. Both are same. They are twins. We even gave her food and water.

After about 5 days, the cat went somewhere. The kittens waited for her, but she never returned. Kittens cannot be starved.  I made sure to feed them. The kittens hadn't even opened their eyes. Even though the family members were reluctant, I adopted them. I named them. Little one Named "Chooti" and big one named "Thadi" They grew rapidly. That is, of the two cats, the smaller kitten (Chooti) was closer to me.  He was my best friend.  He was always with me.  even when i sleep.  When I studied for many exams, he was by my side. Sometimes he was my morning alarm. With time, the family also liked them.

Thus, time passed. I was selected for the university. I was sad to leave them. Specially my chooti. Even after going to university, I still called him. see his face. on the time during , university 1st year 2nd semester exam days i called to my mother. I asked her where is the cat?
she said it must have gone hunting or somewhere. She kept saying the same answers for several days. I didn't think much of it.

After the exam, I went home. Fish and and various food items were taken home for Chooti very happily. After going home, I called the cat.  I called him many times.  But he was nowhere to be seen.  I ran to my grandmother and asked where the cat was. After hearing that, grandma started to cry. Because she is so sensitive and Grandma took care of the cat while I was gone. She cried and replied that the cat had and accident and passed away.
when i hear that,  the fish and foods in my hand fell to the ground. I ran to the place where the cat was buried and cried for a long time. After my mother came home, I asked why she didn't tell me about this. She said that it is not good to tell such bad news because it is the exam days. She also said that ,everyday he was looking road and waiting for me while I come home.. that was most heart touching thing for my life. I will never had a cat like him.
"Loosing my best friend" is the unforgettable incident in my life.
